What a mess can be caused when an angel gets drunk... A boy in a girl's body, slow wits and fast cars. Neat black and white manga-style drawing and amusing characters. A bit of romance included.
Author: Chris Hazelton
Started: 21.3.2004
Updates: Daily (Monday to Friday)
Website: www.misfile.com
Irresponsible angelic drinking results in him waking up as she. As it might take a while to undo all that went wrong, he'd better get used to being a girl for the time being. Not really easy for someone who spends most of the time racing, and trying to get a date. With a girl. Might get a bit complicated.
Manga in pure black and white. The girls are cute, while the cars look a bit off sometimes; but I prefer it to be this way, and not the other way round :-)
More than words
Eleven volumes so far, each covering ~130 pages.